President Tony Falconer FRCOG 018RCOG President Dr Tony Falconer writes…

This week began with a loud bang – the much anticipated start to GMC Revalidation followed by the unexpected but joyful announcement of a royal pregnancy.

Any other news will pale in comparison but I feel compelled to draw your attention to discussions at our Annual Professional Development conference last week. Old news perhaps but still important nonetheless.

As you know, the RCOG has undergone much internal restructuring over the last two years and as a result, we now have improved resources and capabilities within the College. Much of this investment has been undertaken so that we continue to be relevant to the specialty and our members.

My talk centred on our present Strategic Plan which was adapted from the previous strategy and the operational priorities which we, as a College, have been working on over the past year or so. I believe we are on track to achieve our objectives and, hopefully, to realise your expectations. Read the rest of this entry »